Part 1 – Deploying WordPress via Azure Marketplace

Part 1 – Deploying WordPress via Azure Marketplace

Part 1 of 5 from the series Deploying a Cheap, Secure, and Automated WordPress Website on Azure.

An Azure Subscription – Azure offers a 200$ credit, enough to run this solution for months
Cloudflare Account and Registered Domain – Total cost over 3 years – $25  to $40

1. Head to the Azure portal, from the home page, search for Marketplace and click on Marketplace.

2. From the Marketplace, search for WordPress, press enter, select the first option, click Create, and click WordPress

3. Configure project details

a. Configure resource group (create new or choose existing)
b. Specify your instance details.

-Input a server name
-Select Linux

Choose basic, this tells Azure to use the B1 plan, the cheapest plan available
c. Input your email address, username, and password. You will use this post-deployment to login to the WordPress site and customize it. Don’t worry if you forget them. You can grab them later from your App Service configuration settings.

4. Set Language to English, Content Distribution to Disabled, and click Review + Create. We are not using tags for this example.

5. Verify your Details, App Service Plan, and WordPress Settings, leave Database and networking defaults, and finally click create.Note: You will have to wait for the Azure Resource Manager to validate before you can click create. Be patient J.

6. After clicking create you will be brought to the deployments screen.

a. Wait for the deployment of resources to complete (up to 15 minutes).

Now that we have our WordPress Infrastructure deployed go ahead and verify that the WordPress admin login is working –


wordpress login screen

Be sure to check out Part 2 where we configure custom domain and DNS settings for our site.

Thank you for reading this far!


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