

After using many many tech blogs to advance my knowledge over the years, it dawned on me. I want to write a blog and give back some knowledge. Plus, blogging about any topic will enhance one’s understanding of the topic. In that sense, this blog will serve as a method to reinforce technical concepts that are important to me.

Another reason for creating this blog is to have a place all my own to share my past accomplishments, current resume, and experiences with potential employers and clients. Not to mention, writing about things I am passionate about is mentally satisfying!

You can expect me to write about my experience working in IT, projects from the home lab, projects from my professional life, and share tools and tricks that I think are cool. While most of the blog will be technical, mainly about Microsoft, operating systems, cloud tech, and automation, I will also write about my journey in the tech industry, offer guidance and advice to folks who might want to enter the industry, and share lessons from my past. You can expect blogs about things I enjoy or have an opinion on outside of technology too.

P.S. I will NEVER shill a product or post an affiliate link. I will NEVER sell a course or a textbook.

If I recommend something it is because I have used it with success in the past.