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Tag: Azure Policy

AzNonComplianceReport.ps1: A PowerShell Script to Output a CSV of Non-compliant Resources From Azure Policy

AzNonComplianceReport.ps1: A PowerShell Script to Output a CSV of Non-compliant Resources From Azure Policy

In Azure, you often have to deal with non-compliant resources and their associated details. You might think Microsoft would provide a native export tool to do this through the Azure portal. However, there is no direct way to export a list of non-compliant resources for a specific tenant, subscription, or policy assignment. That’s why I created the AzNonComplianceReport PowerShell script to generate a list of non-compliant resources that need remediation. How to Use The AzNonComplianceReport is simple to use: Once…

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Terraform Module to Restrict App Service Plan SKUs: Inspired by AZAdvertizer

Terraform Module to Restrict App Service Plan SKUs: Inspired by AZAdvertizer

In Azure, maintaining compliance and minimizing risk is a constant challenge. This is particularly true when managing App Service Plans for a tenant(s), where unrestricted use of all SKUs can introduce risk. This becomes crucial in environments where adherence to specific App Service Plans is a requirement. Alternatively, in a remediation scenario, if your organization lacks governance and has created numerous improperly specified App Service Plans, you can first remediate these, and then deploy and assign this policy definition. To…

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terraform-azurerm-disallow-ragrs-policy: A Terraform Module to Prevent or Audit the Creation of Standard_RAGRS Storage Accounts

terraform-azurerm-disallow-ragrs-policy: A Terraform Module to Prevent or Audit the Creation of Standard_RAGRS Storage Accounts

As Azure engineers, we need to be prudent in managing our resources. One such resource is storage accounts. The default option when creating a storage account via the Azure portal or CLI is Standard_RAGRS SKU, which is usually overkill. Here, we introduce the terraform-azurerm-disallow-ragrs-policy module that helps enforce cost-effective use of storage by preventing or auditing the creation of Standard_RAGRS storage accounts. Understanding the Standard_RAGRS vs Standard_GRS Dilemma Standard_RAGRS (Read-Access Geographically Redundant Storage) offers geo-replication across two regions, with read-only…

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