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Tag: PowerShell

AzNonComplianceReport.ps1: A PowerShell Script to Output a CSV of Non-compliant Resources From Azure Policy

AzNonComplianceReport.ps1: A PowerShell Script to Output a CSV of Non-compliant Resources From Azure Policy

In Azure, you often have to deal with non-compliant resources and their associated details. You might think Microsoft would provide a native export tool to do this through the Azure portal. However, there is no direct way to export a list of non-compliant resources for a specific tenant, subscription, or policy assignment. That’s why I created the AzNonComplianceReport PowerShell script to generate a list of non-compliant resources that need remediation. How to Use The AzNonComplianceReport is simple to use: Once…

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Managing Resources Using Azure Resource Inventory and PowerShell – My Living Collection of PS Scripts

Managing Resources Using Azure Resource Inventory and PowerShell – My Living Collection of PS Scripts

Introduction Coming into a new Azure tenant as part of a new position or when engaging with a new client can be challenging. Often the environments are very complicated, containing different management groups, many many subscriptions, and 100s of resource groups across said subscriptions. An excellent way to get a comprehensive overview of all resources within an Azure tenant is to use the Azure Resource Inventory Report (ARI). The ARI was created by Microsoft Azure Engineers back in 2018 and…

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